Русская версия сайта


The production base is located on a plot of 40 hectares, 5 km from the fields, 300 m from the Highway Maykapshagai — Oskemen, 12 km from the district center of Kalbatau village, East Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

The production base is equipped with a Limestone Processing Plant that includes:

  • Crushing and separating complex (CSC)
  • Mill MTW 175 with a capacity of up to 23 tons per hour
  • Product Activation Unit
  • Packaging equipment.

On the production base are also located:

  • mobile administrative and household complex (AHC)
  • 7 capital warehouses with a total area of about 3,000 sq.m.
  • automatic truck scales 80 tons
  • own power line with a length of 4 km, a capacity of 650 kV

The company also received a technical condition for the construction of a power transmission line with a capacity of 3.5 MW.

The equipment is designed for the high quality of the initial product, the activation unit was specially designed for the chemical composition of limestone, and the chemical composition of the activator is selected taking into account important product parameters for consumers:

  • long shelf life
  • hydrophobicity of products

Republic of Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan region
Maksima Gorkogo st., 50
office 307, 308

+7 777 213 2663
+7 771 228 8855

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